Call me
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5:00 AM
I am too horny to express in mere words, and as I walk down the sidewalk I can feel the cream oozing out of my hot pussy. The hustle and bustle of people going about their day excites me, and the men in their wide array of clothing makes my nipples erect. I see men in business suits and wonder about the package under those starched pants: Is he hard and thumping underneath that double-breasted jacket? MMMMmmmm. I see the workers in their uniforms: The postal workers, the officers, the various delivery men. They certainly do fill their uniforms well. I love the tucked in shirts that show those tight asses. Yummy, yum, yum! The construction workers with their sweaty bodies glistening make me cum just thinking about their muscles. I love a man in a hard hat. I like to think about their other hard parts. OOOOoooooo, Baby. I want to just grab someone and take them around the corner and fuck them. My pussy is so juicy, and as I daydream, I bump into a gentleman carrying packages. He fumbles and drops the top one, and I help him stack it back on his pile. As my hand comes off the box, I let my hand trail across his cheek to his ear. I can almost see the electricity that my touch sends through him.
-to be continued-
Call me
Posted by
5:00 AM